Apr 10Liked by Laura Sullivan Cassidy

So many great questions.

I'll take a stab at addressing a few:

I have wished grief would kill me so my sorrow would end.

I believe that grief is, indeed, the price of love. Love is expensive in this way.

Grief lurks about, huddles in the corner and sneers.

Grief and depression are not exactly the same thing (otherwise we would not have two words to describe it, but only one. Perhaps other languages have many. If I were like you, I might Google this and discover treasures to have and to hold).

I am often overwhelmed by grief, and I give myself to it freely and gladly, though I am not sure this is a healthy thing to do.

Sadness is a state of mind; grief envelopes the entire being.

Grief has aged me like nothing ever has, and yet I continue to seek love.

Grief can be exhausting. The antidote is sleep.

Thank you, Laura. I love the work you do.

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Mar 12Liked by Laura Sullivan Cassidy

Just a big thank you. I loved this…so good for my brain/heart and my grief/heart.

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